heard of isomalt?

made purely of sugar by Chef Jean-Francois Arnaud: http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2010/6/5/central/6336092&sec=central

ISOMALT LIGHT BULB : (1) Heat the isomalt and water to 310 degrees and pour into a metal ring on a silt pad (2) Let it sit for 2 minutes. Slowly pull the ring up to get the candle form. The finished product is placed over the dessert. (3) The guest shatters the bulb and it will rain some crispy sugar on the dessert.

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FDA of the United States has affirmed it as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and sets no limit on its daily intake. ISOMALT has been proven safe. All the researches indicated that intake of Isomaltitol wouldn’t cause adverse effect to the tested animals and human beings. ISOMALT absorbs almost no moisture at temperature 25℃, relative humidities up to 85%.

Once melted, the sugar begans to heat quickly and before you even notice it is boiling, the candy thermomter will register 356 F or 180 C. it maintains its clear properties as it approaches the hard crack stage of cooking, whereas sugar turns a nice amber color.For more definition, brush some with SuperPearl edible dust or sprinkled with edible disco dust for sparkle.


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