Within A Breathe!!!

The life of a human being exists within the process of one breath. Once the breath is stopped, the man will die! Suppose i was able to live for a hundred years. Indeed, among the millions of people, how many can live fo one hundred years?

Just take an average count of the breathing of a manwho can breath for sixteen times within a minute, then in an hour he will breathe 60*16=960 times. In a day which consist of 24 hours, he will breathe for 24*960=23040times. In a year which consist of 365days, he will breathe for 365*23040=8409600times. Then in a hundred year he will breathe eight billion four thousand million times.
Every time when i breathe in the air and send it out,i will be losing one breathe...... Oh poor me, every day i lose23040 breathes. In a years time i'll be losing 84095600 bretahes. Our lifespan which amounths to a few ten of years will come to an end when i had finished sending out the last breathe.
From here we can see life is indeed short and impermenent! Some people say," As soon as a child is born, he begins to die." Indeed, they say we come to human realm is also the day we start walking towards death. In this Saha World, what is that in life which is worth our clinging to? Conclusion is we come to this world empty handed and we go the same way, we couldnt bring any of our favorite item such as wealth and the people we love with us. Take a second of your life and think what really matters as if this is your last breathe while reading this post, you will find out what you had misse in your previous breathe and do take immediate action.
For those who believe: To be liberated from this Saha World of the five turbidities, i am mindfull of the Buddha.:NAMO AMITABHA" May i be born in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!


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